Monday, August 18, 2008

Roland Barthes

1. ”All official institutions of language are repeating machines: school, sports, advertising, popular songs, news, all continually repeat the same structure, the same meaning, often the same words: the stereotype is a political fact, the major figure of ideology.”
2. “Language is a skin: I rub my language against the other. It is as if I had words instead of fingers, or fingers at the tip of my words. My language trembles with desire.”
3. “Literature is the question minus the answer.”
4. “Pleasure is continually disappointed, reduced, deflated, in favour of strong, noble values: Truth, Death, Progress, Struggle, Joy, etc. Its victorious rival is Desire, we are always being told about Desire, never about Pleasure.”
5. “What I claim is to live to the full the contradiction of my time, which may well make sarcasm the condition of truth.”
6. “What the public wants is the image of passion, not passion itself.”