Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Nothing comes from nothing

Meteora, Greece - 2007

“Ex nihilo nihil fit.” Parmenides, Ancient Greek Philosopher, ca. 514 B.C.

“Nothing happens in vain, but everything for a reason and under necessitation.” Leuccipus.

“Everything, then, which is such that its act of existing is other than its nature must needs have its act of existing from something else.” St Thomas Aquinas.

"Nothing can come of nothing." Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 1.1.

"Nothing can be made out of nothing." Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 1.4.

“The cause is hidden, but the result is known.” [Lat., Causa latet: vis est notissima.]. Ovid, Metamorphoses (IV, 287).

“Everything has a cause and the cause of anything is everything.” Walter James Redfern Turner.

“Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things.” [Lat., Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.]. Virgil, Georgics (II, 490).