Friday, March 12, 2010

I will not let thee go

...I will not let thee go.
Ends all our month-long love in this?
...Can it be summed up so,
...Quit in a single kiss?
...I will not let thee go.

...I will not let thee go.
If thy words' breath could scare thy deeds,
...As the soft south can blow
...And toss the feathered seeds,
...Then might I let thee go.

...I will not let thee go.
Had not the great sun seen, I might;
...Or were he reckoned slow
...To bring the false to light,
...Then might I let thee go. . .

. . .I will not let thee go.
I hold thee by too many bands:
...Thou sayest farewell, and lo!
...I have thee by the hands,
...And will not let thee go.

Robert Bridges