Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fire, fire!

Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
Lo, here I burn in such desire
That all the tears that I can strain
Out of mine idle empty brain
Cannot allay my scorching pain.

Come Trent and Humber and fair Thames;
Dread ocean, haste with all thy streams,
And if you cannot quench my fire,
Oh, drown both me and my desire.

Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
There is no help for my desire.
See, all the rivers backward fly
And th'ocean doth his waves deny
For fear my heart should drink them dry.

Come heavenly showers then pouring down;
Come you that once the world did drown;
Some then you spared, but now save all,
That else must burn, and with me fall.

Thomas Campion