1. “All that you are attached to, all that you Love, all that you know, someday will be gone. Knowing this, and that the world is your mind which you create, play in, and suffer from, is known as discrimination. Discriminate between the real and the unreal. The known is unreal and will come and go so stay with the Unknown, the Unchanging Truth. All which appears and disappears is not real, and no nectar will come from it so don't cling to it, and once you let go do not turn back to it. Stay as Eternity in your own Being.”
2. “As the lotus does not touch the water, so do not let the world enter your heart. Being busy in the world is no trouble unless you are troubled being busy. Then the only trouble is the trouble.”
3. “Bad moods are either past or imaginary future, in the present there are no moods at all. Moods belong to circumstance, to the past. Face the Sun and there will be no shadow of moods.”
4. “I believe that this physical separation from the Beloved is very unique and better than meeting each other. So keep separate and also aspire to meet your Beloved and one day this separation will burn you! This separation is more sweet than the meeting.”
5. “Let your will burn in this fire so that it takes you nowhere else. Let your self be burned in this fire of eternity, love and peace. Don't be afraid of this fire, it is love itself. This desire for freedom is the fire of love!”
6. “Love is natural. Console your mind and make it listen. Love all or it is not love. Make your mind love this way and you will see the magic of this everyday.”
7. “The one who follows the thought is also a thought!
The one who follows the thought is in thought.
When you know that both are thoughts,
You are Home.
Then allow thoughts to arise
and allow them to be followed.
You remain as That unmoved and unconcerned Being.
This is the highest understanding.”
8. “True Love is to give all you have with no thought of receiving anything in exchange.”
9. “Truth is very simple, don't complicate it. You must be in the Light to know the darkness: Just be aware of yourself, the Light. Jump into the fire of Knowledge and don't be concerned what will happen to your clothing of concepts and vasanas. This fire will burn all.”
10. “Where does the whole of samsara, all animals and plants, all concepts, trees, and birds come from? There is only one Source: return to it, merge in it. Know what it is and everything is It itself. There is no difference between you and what you call other! Know this and you will speak to all beings; every rock, tree, and animal at the same time because time does not exist here.”
11. “You are Being, you are not "had been," and not "would be," but "Being." You are the Timelessness in which no death can enter for where there is no time there is no death. That Timelessness is now and that is Being.”
12. “You are beyond happiness itself. You are that place where the waves of happiness arise from. Find that place, don't understand it. You have to simply see that you are That itself.”
13. “You are the garden of Joy, to be happy you need nobody else. You are in the garden of Joy, but when you think of old things, you become sad. This Joy, this Moment, will destroy mind and suffering, because this Moment is Happiness. So stop going to the past moments in order to suffer.”