Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The mind-body problem

“The mind-body problem was the obsession of most philosophers before this century’s crop discovered that it is, like all metaphysical questions, either meaningless or trivial. But I’ll never be convinced of that. It’s the essential problem of metaphysics, about both the world out there and the world in here. In fact, the dichotomy between the two worlds – the outer public place of bodies and the inner private one of minds – is exactly what it’s all about. Are both these realms real, and if so how do they fit together? Can one of them be absorbed into the other? The answer a philosopher gives determines the entire shape of metaphysics. Idealists reduce in the direction of mind, materialists in the direction of body, and dualist heroically assert the separate and equal reality of both. One after another of the great philosophical systems have attempted to untie the world-knot, pulling out some threads but leaving others impossibly entangled. What is the world? What am I? This is the mind-body problem.”

Rebecca Goldstein