Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Patrick Kavanagh

1. ‘All the mouthpieces of public opinion are controlled by men whose only qualification is their inability to think.´
2. “A man is original when he speaks the truth that has always been known to all good men.”
3. ‘A peasant is all that mass of mankind which lives below a certain level of consciousness. They live in the dark cave of the unconscious and they scream when they see the light.’
4. “It is impossible to read the daily press without being diverted from reality. You are full of enthusiasm for the eternal verities--life is worth living, and then out of sinful curiosity you open a newspaper. You are disillusioned and wrecked.”
5. “Malice is only another name for mediocrity.”
6. ‘Our hope is to create in a few thousand people the power to think critically before it is too late. In life there needs to be a constant battle to recover losses. Evern to hold your place you have to fight. Hence what looks like destructiveness is merely the critical mind […].’
7. ‘The artist may hate his subject with that kind of furious enthusiastic hate which is a form of love, and which equally with love is a giver of life in literature.’
8. ‘There is only one muse, the Comic Muse. In Tragedy there is always something of a lie. Great poetry is always comic in the profound sense. Comedy is abundance of life. All true poets are gay, fanatastically humorous.’
9. “What appears in newspapers is often new but seldom true.”
10. ‘What seems of public importance is never of any importance. Stupid poets and artists think that by taking subjects of public importance it will help their works to survive. There is nothing as dead and damned as an important thing. The things that really matter are casual, insiginficant little things, things you would be ashamed to talk of publicly. You are ashamed and them after years someone blabs and you find that you are in the secret majority. Such is fame.’